This was a year ago, the people that I know don't even want to join the server anymore... It doesn't matter If gearing up is faster now, farming...
Honestly I don't disagree at all. I've tried to bring many CPs and Clans to play here, last year I sent a TeamSpeak screenshot to Vasya with...
The players left in GW need to understand that PVE and Farm are essential in any game and It's not different in L2, everytime someone propose a...
I do not agree. Everytime a DD complain about something you run faster than the light speed to change but when the support ask for the minimal you...
I know that PVP timing had been an issue in GW for a while and not everyone has the patience for a 40 minutes fight but at this point everyone got...
It takes more than a set and weapon for you to be able to tank any damage, in this version of the game the amount of items needed for you to...
did you move to russia and told me nothing? damn how cold is there? FAKE FRIEND!
Add a south america proxy as a christimas gift please santa claus please
At this point I'm accepting anything to make me less bored)
I think everyone should express their opinion and give ideas for a better server but this one is pure shit lol
WTS 2 HP Brooch 10% or WTT for P.Skill Brooch pm/mail Empathy/Senji
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